
Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

Separated to God

“Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God,” — Romans 1:1

The individual who God has separated has entered a covenant with Him. It is a unique commitment, a lifestyle that most people would find intolerable and, by most believer’s observation and conclusion, unfair. One who has entered that covenant may often be troubled by the unfairness of it. Occasionally, they will reinforce their covenant with the reality that they cannot return to shallow religion. God does not separate someone who is considered unique or more spiritual than other believers.

It is not for being regarded as a vaunted sage uniquely honored by God. Most individuals separated to God go unnoticed. The reason for being separated unto God is because the work God intends to use the individual for requires a more significant commitment. What most professing Christians enjoy as standard perks must be avoided by the separated one. No time is wasted by indulging in entertainment or other interests that prevent complete focus on God’s will. That makes the separated one appear austere and even legalistic. It is an unavoidable consequence of separation. Continue reading

Consequences of Dwelling in Comfort Zones.

We are in a period when most people refuse to read or listen to an explanation of what is happening spiritually. The reason is that it usually involves negativity. Consequently, it primes them to believe the soothing words of demons spoken through charlatans masquerading as God’s chosen ones. That is always devastating. I cannot remain silent while people ignore the Holy Spirit and end up in disaster. A. W. Tozer once wrote when the herd is heading over a cliff, the sheep who saves himself must break away from the flock. How many people today have left the wayward herd to receive and obey God’s inconvenient and unpopular will? Not many. How do we know the flock is going over a cliff? Because many people who profess to be Christians are rooted in safe comfort zones rather than in God’s will. They must have glanced out long enough to recognize that if another reprobate becomes our president, their comfort, security, livelihood, and so on are in jeopardy. The goal is to maintain their “ease in Zion” (Amos 6:1) by whatever means and claim their decision is God’s will. Does it ever register with them that God does not roll back the calamity of the last days, that He adds to it until Christ returns?

I will only say this once because I prefer not to focus on Satan. Satan, the Devil, the wicked one, the old Serpent, the god of this world, controls the rulers of the darkness in this age (Eph. 6:11). Through them, he manipulates the power structures for his purposes. Along with near complete control of the Secular Realm, he has much control of Christianity, the religion. It does not mean that he has more power than God because he does not and never will such power. It does mean that the great majority of 2.4 million Christians in the world are weak, compromised, self-ward, and have a form of godliness without power. The Wicked One did not take control away from them. They willingly yielded to him the control that God gave them. Retaining it required more from them spiritually than they wished to produce.

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It is Time to Pull Back the Curtain.

The time has come to explain why our nation is in such a deadly dilemma. It cannot be blamed solely on Republican leadership or the scurrilous deviousness of the Democrats. How you vote does not matter—our nation will not survive either president’s leadership. Before I offer my opinion of the outcome, we must note why we arrived at this historical point.

The lion’s share of the blame is on Christianity. “As goes Christianity, so goes the world.” (The Church, Body of Christ, is not Christianity, the religion. Professing Christians who are carnal, worldly-centered, and unfaithful compose apostate Christianity. It is an egregious error to call Christianity “the Church.” It falsely accuses true Christ followers of apostasy.)

To be brief, the apostasy in Christianity ramped up dramatically about the middle of the last century. It never slowed down its push to evict faithful Christ followers as legalistic, self-righteous Pharisees. Entertainment and positive “preaching” took deep root. The Holy Spirit is currently identified as adrenaline. Anything or anyone in the meetings that causes adrenaline to flow is considered anointed. I could go on until this paragraph became a book. The result is church meetings morphed into flesh-pleasing entertainment and pulpitering that robs the soul. God is left out of the meetings, and the hearts of the people who attend become dull and distant from God. Continue reading

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