
Cedric Fisher: "earnestly contending for the faith."

Have the lying signs and wonders arrived?


(From now to the end, truth is not likely to make people happy who have been sleeping and slumbering in apathy. The truth necessary to prepare and equip them for the end of the age will not be palatable. They will turn to hobbies, entertainment, books, movies, social media, music, TV, beloved heretics, hirelings, and other charlatans, but coldly reject everyone who makes them uncomfortable with truth. Truth is a drudgery for them to read or hear. A slight brush with reality makes them slide deeper under the apathy blanket. The day when truth blasts into their comfortable lives with brilliant and unavoidable reality, some of them will suffer heart failure. The ones who survive the initial shock will plunge into an inner cauldron of fear and great stress. They will wish with all their souls they had listened and prepared. But it will be too late.)

The Believers are questioning if the lying signs and wonders Paul prophesied have arrived. We are currently witnessing lying signs and wonders in some parts of the world, especially in America. I do not believe those are the lying signs and wonders Paul prophesied about in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10. For one thing, they are not originating from one individual. It does not meet other criteria to declare them the fulfillment of Paul’s prophesy. I consider the current lying signs precursors and indicative of how eager many professing Christians are to receive deception. The lying signs and wonders in Paul’s prophesy will arrive with the coming of the “man of sin,” aka, the “lawless one.” It will be ubiquitous and the direct work of Satan. For the current display of lying signs and wonders to fulfill the prophecy, they would need to happen all over the world and be directed by the “lawless one.” The “lawless one” will have tremendous and worldwide power and influence when that occurs. Continue reading

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